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Matthew Draper Contributes Chapter to Book Honoring Columbia Professor George Bermann

Partner Matthew Draper contributed a chapter to the book in honor of Columbia professor George Bermann on the role of comity and public policy in the enforcement of arbitration awards. The book, entitled "Pro-Arbitration Revisited", is a tribute to Professor Bermann by fellow academics and former students.

Matthew's chapter is entitled "Are Comity and Sovereignty Over Natural Resources Legitimate Considerations when Applying the Public Policy Exception to Enforcement of Arbitral Awards?"

Matthew and Professor Bermann have had a long relationship. Matthew studied international arbitration and litigation under Professor Bermann when he was a student at Columbia Law School. In 2022, Draper & Draper acted as counsel to Professor Bermann as amicus curiae before the U.S. Supreme Court in Beijing Shougang Mining Investment Company, Ltd., et al., Petitioners v. Mongolia (19-4191).

Copies of Pro-Arbitration Revisited may be purchased from Juris Publishing here.


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