Matthew Draper discusses interstate water compacts and their adjudication by the U.S. Supreme Court


Matthew Draper presented today on the resolution of interestate water disputes through negotiated compacts and adjudication in the U.S. Supreme Court's original jurisdiction. Matthew also addressed the use of alternative dispute resolution techniques to resolve compact disputes, including mediation, arbitration, rivermasters and expert negotiations.

Matthew made his presentation during a webinar sponsored the ADR and Water committees of the ABA's Section of Environment, Energy and Resources. Matthew's co-presenter was Dr. Aaron Wolf, a professor of geography in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University. Dr. Wolf mediates and advises on ​​water disputes around the world.

Matthew's slide presentation and a recording of the panel discussion are available at the website of the ADR Committee. Matthew presently serves as Vice Chair of the ADR Committee.